Senin, 02 Januari 2017

Contoh surat resmi dalam bahasa inggris

Number : -
It : Meeting Invitation
Attachment : -

General Manager
PT Hula – Hula

In place of
Dear Sirs ,
Through this letter, let us introduce our company to you. Our company was named PT Podomoro engaged in residential building. in this case the company we intend to work together in building residences with Go Green concept. If your company is interested, we herewith invite all PT Manager New Hope to attend the preparatory meeting to be held on :

Day/Date   :  Thursday, October 13, 2016              
Time            : 10:00 to 12:00 pm
Venue        :  Hall Podomoro Land

Thus we convey this invitation , given the importance of this event then Mr / Ms please attend on time . For your kind attention , we thank you .


( Secretary )

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