Jumat, 24 Maret 2017

Subject And Verb

1.       Like bacteria, protozoans…………by splitting in two.
a.       Reproducing
b.      Reproduce
c.       To reproduce
d.      Reproduction
Answer : b. Reproduce
Analisis : Verb yang sesuai adalah Reproduce.

2.       _____ main processes involved in virtually all manufacturing: extraction, assembly, and alteration.
a.       There are three
b.      Three
c.       The three
d.      Three of the
Answer : a. There are three
Analisis : Kalimat ini masih membutuhkan subject dan verb. Karena itu jawaban yang paling sesuai adalah there are three.

3.       Ohio, the center of ­­_____the Hopewell culture, has the greatest concentration of ancient burial mounds in the United States.
a.    Called
b.   What is called
c.    That is called
d.   Is called
Answer : b. What is called
Analisis :Pada kalimat “the Hopewell culture” merupakan kalimat penjelas. Verb yang sesuai adalah What is called.

4.       Many meteorits are thought to have originated from ………… that once existed between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
a.    Where a planet or planets
b.   A planet or planets so
c.    Which a planet or planets
d.   A planet or planets
Answer : d. A planet or planets
Analisis : Kalimat ini membutuhkan objek yang diterangkan dengan kata sambung that. Pilihan yang berupa objek adalah a planet or planets.

5.       The book­­____Sent to you yesterday.
a.       It was
b.      Were
c.       Is
d.      Was
Answer : d. Was
Analisis :Was adalah singular verb dan cocok bila dipasangkan denga singular subject book dan was dipakai dalam simple past tense.

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